Monday, December 12, 2011

Fun with Dick and Jane (errr, I mean Uncle Kear & Sister Lowri)

And your name is again?

Umm, how many are there?

Hey, China!  I'm Uncle Kearney.

You see, I SNEAK up on 'em like this!

You can use that lesson on sneaking lots of places.

No, I'm not giving you the keys to the car!

WOW!  You're FAST, Lowri!
Hauled all the puppies about an hour up north -- with one puppy or another screaming the entire trip -- introduction to puppy napping by car 101.  We did temperament testing and had a lovely meal and visit with old friends.  Enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I know Lowri was itching to see the babies and play with them!
