Sunday, October 23, 2011

Treasure's a bit uncomfortable!

So, Treas and I have been hanging out in the whelping room--she's still not convinced she likes what I've done to it--stripped out all the interesting places to hide things, for instance, laid a nice gray tarp over the hardwood floor and added some kind of box, in which I insist she will have her babies and which she so far refuses to get into!  She had a nice breakfast of boneless pork ribs, was begging for my cooked scraps for an early lunch so I gave her another rib--which she is carrying around looking for a good storage place in case I never feed her again (a thing she evidently worries about!).  She's been panting a lot and is acting uncomfortable, but her temperature was 100.8 this morning, so there shouldn't be any puppy surprises today.


  1. She's clearly a planner -- good for a first-time mom: ready for anything.

  2. Treasure noticed that as soon as the puppies were near to term, the babies' daddy shipped out. So, of course she is worried that she may never get another meal. Smart girl. She knew he was playing around with another bitch right after she got pregnant!

  3. What a rake that baby-daddy is!
